Wearables, Apple Watch, laser skin treatments and hair removal that we can buy on Amazon or Aliexpress. Fashion with batteries included and radio protocols to worry about, with LEDs and voice recognition. Clothingh that recharges our phones and hold them protected for when we need them. We run and practice innumerable sports with them, use them to relax, they are always at hand and now they interact with our clothes as we move on with our lives. These gadgets and the clothes that make best use of them are, of course, all about fashion.

These clothes like every other piece we wear tells about us and are part of the image we project. So it is a wonder how Apple’s watch goes against all the diversity in our dressing rooms by imposing the single line of thought where only the watch strap and finish will differentiate us from other Apple fanboys and girls!

But the future is promising, new technological advances make possible smaller and abler wearables.
In sport, for example, they can add social sharing to our clothes. Just like smart RFID tags identify us and our clothes to guide us and propose new purchases to us or other customers.
Smart clothes and wearables help us too by sharing our tastes and inspiring others. We could use the phone camera or NFC to, for example, know the origin of a garment, one of ours or one somebody else is wearing. They could provide us with information about the color and type of fiber used to make it.
Of course this is just the beginning. Some new designs and weaving techniques combine with technology to help track our health with biometric readings of our vital signs and ways to clean them, ward off insects or to save our lives from electrical shock, lightning or from a fall. Scarves hiding airbags, vests that call emergency services if they detect a stroke or cardiac arrest.